Monday, March 28, 2011


I mentioned this term in the "Rope" post and I'd like to go into some more detail on it. What I mean by a "depletable" is something that is made unusable in the act of using it. Tape, glue, and staples were the examples I made before, but there are plenty others.

Guns, for example, are depletable, as bullets cannot be salvaged once used. I suppose if you were so inclined and so empowered you might be able to make your own bullets, but unless you're firing a musket and have a handy mine for black powder you can whip out of your pocket, I wouldn't risk it.

I would also put electronics under the header of depletables. However, having a hand-generator would take them back off of the list, seeing as you could recharge indefinitely. On the other hand, electronic devices are more difficult to repair than simple tools, so, overall, electronic use should be left to discretion.

The purpose of understanding what is depletable is to keep you safe in the long term. When something cannot be replenished, it would be unwise to rely on it. If I'm shooting game for food, I'll run out of bullets eventually, and because no one is around making more, that means I'm out of food.

Of course, the two exceptions to the rule are food and water, and those simply can't be avoided. Luckily, those aren't man-made, so they're not going to run out permanently; you'll just need to find more.

So now take a look at what you've got packed for the apocalypse. How much of that is going to run out on you over time?

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Name: Rope
Scenario of Primary Usefulness: Natural Wilderness or Otherwise Non-Industrial Environment

Before the days of tape, glue, and staples; ropes were an effective method to bind objects together. Unfortunately, glue, tape, and staples are depletables (a topic which I will discuss in a later post), so in your post-apocalyptic world of limited resources, rope would be your best bet.

However, unlike tape and glue, you can't just put a rope between two objects and let them do their thing; you actually have to do a little work. Luckily, you don't need to be a Boy Scout or a sailor to get the rope knowledge you need (though it would help). I would narrow down the most basically essential knots to three different styles: hitches, lashings, and the bowline. I won't go into detail on them here, but basically hitches secure an object to the rope, lashings secure two objects together, and the bowline creates a sturdy loop. The uses of your rope are as various as the situations you'll encounter. If you can't think of anything, you can always trade it to someone more creative than you.

Now, I know you're looking at that picture and thinking "But how am I supposed to carry around all of that rope? That looks heavy and cumbersome!" And you would be right! Luckily, there are some entrepreneurial spirits who thought the same thing.

What you are looking at is 24 feet of military grade paracord. makes these by hand and, should you happen to need it before society is obliterated in the doomsday of your preference, they will replace it if you tell them how you used it. 24 feet not enough? They also sell a belt containing 125-200 feet.

For its multi-functionality, efficiency (especially if you're carrying it around as a Survival Strap), and simplicity, I highly recommend rope for your next wilderness apocalypse.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Name: Crowbar (AKA prybar, jimmy, or wrecking bar)
Scenario of Primary Usefulness: Urban Wasteland

I made this my first post because this tool is incredible in its simplicity. It is merely a steel bar with a single curved end, and it is for this reason it has been in common use for centuries. Today they only cost $20 at your local hardware store.

In societal usage, it has been used to remove nails, forcing openings, and destruction. Apocalyptically, it would be used for basically the same things. In an urban scenario, you won't know how accessible any given room, building, or other potential source of resources will be; a crowbar will increase your odds of it being accessible.

From my personal experience using a crowbar: This thing is a tank. I once dug two-fists-sized rocks out of a foot-and-a-half diameter hole using only a crowbar and a sledgehammer. Granted, it took a really long time, but it put a bigger dent in the job than the shovel did. (Though I have no experience in the topic) A crowbar would serve as a good hand-to-hand weapon as well, should you need it as such (ask Gordan Freeman if you run into him); it's not so heavy that it is cumbersome, but the whole point of a crowbar is creating torque, and it does that very well.

For its multi-functionality, efficiency, and simplicity, I highly recommend the crowbar for your next urban wasteland apocalypse.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Hello everyone,
This blog is intended to be partly serious, partly as a joke. I've always thought of post-apocalyptic survival as an interesting topic, so the topic of this blog will be those things easily accessible to the common person that will be most useful in a survival situation. Now, "survival situation" is a very broad topic, so on each post I will specify the scenario (some examples off the top of my head: desert wasteland, deserted city, new Ice Age)
I encourage discussion and debate here; I am not pretending to be an authority, nor will I pretend that what I am saying has any researched or authoritative basis. What is said here is meant to be useful to a degree, but it is primarily for entertainment.
With all of that said, I intend to post once a week or so; this is my first blog, so I don't really know how often people generally post. Also, if anyone has any comments, etc, let me know!